Our Dentist In Monroe, NC Talks Tooth Sensitivity
Many people have some tooth sensitivity every now and then. It is estimated that between 12 and 50 percent of the population experiences occasional tooth sensitivity at some point in their life. If you are experiencing sudden tooth sensitivity, a prompt visit to your dentist is in order for the purpose of treatment for this condition.
We discuss in this article some of the possible causes of sudden tooth sensitivity.
Tooth Sensitivity and Pain
Tooth sensitivity is about the reaction of your tooth to a stimulus. It is a sensation that results when the dentin layer below the hard enamel of the tooth is exposed to a cold and/or hot stimulus.
Also referred to as dentin hypersensitivity, there are two main types of tooth sensitivity, namely: regional and global. Sensitivity is considered regional or localized when it affects just a tooth or two. It is global when the discomfort occurs throughout the mouth, impacting both teeth and gums. Ideally, you should seek the assistance of your dentist no matter which type you are experiencing.
What Causes Sudden Tooth Sensitivity?
Your tooth can become sensitive for a variety of reasons. One or more of the factors below may be responsible for sudden pain.
Tooth decay
If you experience enamel loss, dental caries or cavities can develop in your teeth. Dentin becomes exposed if no treatment is administered to prevent exposure. Pain can result whenever the affected area is exposed to hot, cold or even wind.
Gum-related problems
Gingivitis can cause sensitivity to the whole oral cavity. This inflammation of the gum line is capable of causing gum recession. Food particles and bacteria can become trapped in gums, when receded, causing pain and abrasions.
Excessive flossing, toothbrush abrasion, and pocket reduction procedure are also among factors that can impact your gums, thus promoting sensitivity.
You could develop tooth sensitivity as a result of an infection. Infection contributes to enamel erosion and possibly an abscess, which can make you feel intense pain. Swollen lymph nodes and jaws are among other possible signs of an infection.
You are likely to experience sudden tooth sensitivity if you have been consuming more acidic foods or drinks. Avoid highly acidic food, and also those with high sugar content, these types of foods can erode your tooth enamel exposing the dentin and/or nerve layer.
Sinus infection
You are likely to experience sudden tooth sensitivity from a sinus infection. This is due to inflammation existing near nerves that are connected to the tooth.
A sensitive tooth may result when you are feeling stressed. This is more likely if you are the type that grinds your teeth when experiencing stress. Grinding puts significant pressure on the teeth, and with sensitivity, this is just one of the problems that can result.
Tooth whitening
Ingredients in some tooth whitening products have the potential to cause tooth sensitivity. These over-the-counter products can sometimes be harsh and very acidic. You are at risk for enamel deterioration when you use products containing such ingredients regularly. Your teeth can become suddenly sensitive as a result.
How soon your sensitive tooth improves will depend on the particular cause. You can learn more about this from your dentist.
Tooth Sensitivity Treatment At Dental Practice in Monroe, NC
Monroe Family Dentistry is there for you and your children from day one and we are happy to work with you and your child to start habits from birth. If you live near Monroe, NC call us to schedule an appointment today at 704.776.4278.
These are just some of the services we provide. To learn more about our dental practice in Monroe NC and the services we provide, call us or submit an appointment request.