As a resident of Monroe, North Carolina, one of the best things you can do for your mouth is to regularly visit our Monroe family dentist office. Going for regular dental checkups every six months is recommended for the best health of your mouth and teeth. You can also prevent gum disease when you see the dentist and use proper oral hygiene. There are a few steps you can take toward ensuring your overall oral health.
TIP 1: Brush Your Teeth 2x Daily
First and foremost, you should always brush your teeth twice per day, once in the morning and then again at night before bedtime. Use a toothbrush that has relatively firm bristles but that is not too hard that it will irritate your gums and break down the enamel of your teeth. Our Monroe dentist recommends that you change your toothbrush every three to four months or when you notice obvious signs of wear. An electric toothbrush tends to be best and you can change the toothbrush head whenever necessary and get the same type of deep cleaning as when you see your dentist.
TIP 2: Make Flossing a Habit
One of the best ways to prevent gum disease is to not only brush your teeth twice a day but to floss as well. Doing so once each day will eliminate excess food particles from between your teeth and keep the gums healthy. Use a floss that is appropriate in thickness for your mouth. Too thin might be ineffective. Many flosses are waxed, but that is not mandatory.
TIP 3: Avoid or Quit Smoking Tobacco
Avoid smoking at all costs. Using tobacco excessively will cause your teeth to become discolored and can lead to damage. In general, if you are a smoke and then you end up quitting, you will be doing your health as a whole a good service. It can also lower your risk of certain types of cancer, including oral cancer.
TIP 4: Buy a Great Toothbrush
Use a good toothpaste that includes fluoride and a mouthwash that helps to control the buildup of plaque. It will help to fight off the bacteria that can get stuck between your teeth and under your gums that leads to gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis.
TIP 5: Take Action Quickly
If you do discover you have a gum disease, you will require an effective gum disease treatment plan. Our family dentist will give you a thorough cleaning and probably prescribe an antibacterial mouthwash for you to take. Root planing is often a recommended gum disease treatment as it eliminates all of the debris from under your gums. In some cases, periodontal surgery may be required if your condition is serious enough. It is important to take action quickly when you are found to have periodontal disease so that you can save your teeth as loss of the teeth can occur.