Are Invisalign Clear Braces For You?
Invisalign Clear Braces is the answer to getting straight teeth without the discomfort of traditional metal braces. As its name suggests, this system aligns the patient’s teeth in a way that’s almost invisible.
A person who wants Invisalign visits an orthodontist or a cosmetic dentist who has trays made specifically for that patient’s teeth. These personalized trays straighten the teeth over time, should be worn for 23 hours at a time and are changed every two weeks or so. Though some patients report that the first tray may feel a bit tight, they grow more comfortable as the patient wears them, and their teeth are straightened.
Tooth-Colored Invisalign Braces
Because the trays are made of a smooth, transparent plastic, they are very hard to see when the patient is wearing them. It’s true that braces can now be tooth-colored, but they can still be uncomfortable to wear and have all the other deficits of metal braces. Some other benefits of the alignment trays are:
Removable Unit
• The patient can take them out to eat or brush or floss their teeth. Traditional braces cannot be removed by the patient, so crunchy or sticky foods that the patient likes have to be avoided during the time the braces are worn. On top of this, the patient still has to take extra care of their teeth and make sure they clean around the brackets and braces. This leads to another benefit of the trays:
Fewer Trips To The Dentist
• The patient doesn’t need to see their dentist as often. Orthodontists whose patients wear braces need to see them fairly regularly to make sure they’re taking care of their teeth and to make whatever adjustments need to be made to the braces themselves. The dentists understand that some patients, especially the younger ones, might be tempted to neglect their oral hygiene or may give into temptation and eat foods they should avoid.
Patients need to wear the trays about as long as they would wear braces, which is about one to two years.
For more information about how to get straight teeth using the system of nearly invisible alignment trays, don’t hesitate to contact our office. Call today!
How Much Does Invisalign Cost?
We’d be happy to discuss cost as well as all available financing options offered in our office. Request an appointment to start the conversation.